Provide quality information and resources about Bitcoin, lightning network and Bitcoin based projects.
Learn about bitcoin, its projects and its advancements.
Learn the fastest and cheapest way to transact with bitcoin.
Find the best wallets for both bitcoin and Lightning Nertwork.
Gangster Hodlers can list bitcoin projects (coming soon)
A collection of bitcoin hardware, software and web3 wallets.
Xverse is the most widely used and accepted wallet for Ordinals and web3 on bitcoin. It has both a web browser plugin based wallet as well as iphone and andoid wallets.
Bitmask is both a browser wallet and a web based wallet that has support for bitcoin, lightning network and RGB smart contract apps.
Electrum is one of the oldest Bitcoin wallets. It has support for Linux, Windows, Mac and Android but sadly no support for iPhone users.
Envoy is a standalone mobile wallet for Android and iPhone that also dooubles as an ultra secure interface for its hardware cold wallet called passport.
Safepal Cypher is a key storage hardware decice. If you are intending to store bitcoin for long term, this is all you need for storage. Import to wallet software when its time to use.
Jade is a cold long term storage wallet for storing blitcoin. It offers advanced capabilities such as air-gapped transactions while also being easy/ to use for beginning bitcoin users.
Find bitcoin based projects, tokens, DAOs and other things specifically related to bitcoin advancements and developoments.
Create Ordinals on bitcoin with this simple to use service. Lazy mint collection features!
This is an ordinals wallet and marketplace for buying and selling ordinal inscriptions.
If you want to develop with bitcoin RGB smart contract language is the palce to begin.